Wednesday 7 September 2011

Saturday 9 July 2011

Around Bristol

Thanks a lot to Kate for allowing me to upload this picture! Excellent Model!

I have adopted this square format, Im not sure if Ill stick to it but, lets give it a shot! :)

Thursday 30 June 2011

Bristol Variations 1

I dont know why they are named variations, perhaps because its a variation from my usual photos, who knows... here is the other part.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Variations 2

This was taken in bristol... The moment just happened and I cant interpret what this images mean to me. They are 3 out of a series of 6, I promise to post the other 3 this week.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Alpes Maritimes

My recent visit to Nice and the Cote d'azur was excellent and I had the chance to snap this quick moment of some break-dancers in the main square... I added an angle of view for the dancers which makes it different to the standard... Hopefully you like it.

Unas fotos de mi reciente visita a la Costa Azul en Francia e Italia donde vi a unos break-dancers y tome la oportunidad para tomar estas fotos... Me parecieron simples asi que añadi el angulo para ver el ambiente desde la perspectiva del bailarin, espero que les agraden...

Tuesday 19 April 2011


My recent visit to London. Here is a nice angle of the Westminster, high contrast and low saturation which is not everybody's cup of tea but anyway...

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Northen Line

This is a set of two simple pictures of the escalator on the northen line... The models are my good friends Ian and Angela Goode and believe it or not, she is on a different step (higher)... The second photo is of a friend Adela and myself, taken from the other side by Ian....

For Ians Blog CLCK HERE!

Monday 7 March 2011

Cacciucco inspired pasta

This is a seafood pasta made with sardines prawn and mussles, to be honest I was expecting the worst as this is just a quick improvisation I had to make at the supermarket with limited ingredients, but it turned out to be awesome! Accompanied with a tasty Peroni is the perfect italian evening for me.

He aqui una deliciosa pasta de mariscos, improvisada debido a los pocos ingredientes del super. Al fin salio bastante bien, aunque para la proxima vez seria bueno agregarle algo de pimiento seco o quiza un poquitin the chile para darle mas sabor. La clave de esta receta es la pasta fresca y el vino tinto! Bellisimo!

Sunday 6 March 2011

Back from the land of nothing

This is my first post in months! It has been sooo long since I have not updated the forgotten blog. This is what happens if you buy an xbox and have lots of work. But at last I came and I hope to write some more.

First of all I would like to upload a picture taken by my friend "Ary", a great person really, she has been working with me for quite a while now and now she will leave in hope of a better and more interesting future and I wish her the best! She sent me this picture and well here it is, without any editing or anything. Thanks for sharing!

Hola! He regresado de la tierra de la nada, donde he estado muy aburrido. Por fin me di tiempo de regresar al blog y espero poder escribir mas a menudo. Tambien espero no haber perdido los pocos seguidores que tenia jejejeje. En fin.

Esta es una foto tomada no por mi si no por una amiga muy querida "Ary". Quizas algunos la conozcan de la ventanita del Laberinto, donde ha estado trabajando y ahora en busqueda de mejores oportunidades se nos va. Me da mucha tristeza cuando personas tan excelentes se van del Laberinto, pero estoy seguro de que una emprendedora e ingeniosa mentalidad como la de Ary lorgrara mucho! Te deseo lo mejor Ary!

Monday 3 January 2011

El Cardenal

This is a traditional Mexican restaurant located in the heart of glorious Mexico City. The quality of the food is well known as it has been around for countless years, also the decoration and classic architecture makes this place a wonderful experience for both, foreign and nationals.

El cardenal es un restaurante típico de la Ciudad de México, localizado en la calle de Palma No23, en el corazón del centro histórico. Gracias a su arquitectura clásica, su buen servicio y amena música de pianola, este es un lugar excelente para experimentar la cultura no solo culinaria. Cuando se visita esta hermosa ciudad, El Cardenal es un requisito tanto para nacionales como extranjeros.